Wedding Photographer in Lijiang

I was reading through Clubsnap forums and came across a post by Lijiang Photography on their portfolio and services, looking at their photos and locations, I was mesmerised by their works.

I pop over to their website and take a more in-depth research into their portfolio and services. They are based in Lijiang, Yunnan and this is a region that I am planning to visit and take photographs some time in the near future. Their combination of the natural sceneries in Yunnan and wedding photography is really inspiring and a great role model to emulate and improve my photography (and knowing where would be excellent locations to take landscape sceneries)

Do drop into their site and take a look !!


  1. Yeah, YunNan is a very good place for photograthers.

    I’m looking forward to see your own wedding photos!

  2. They really have nice sceneries don’t they??
    Wow! Would love to browse their site and it would help though if it’s in English.. ;|

  3. Author

    Hi iWalk

    Yunnan is so beautiful ….. reinforce my plans to visit, explore and capture the beauty of Yunnan with my photography !

    My wedding photos …… no girlfriend at the moment ….

    I shall explore outdoor wedding photography in Yunnan and other places !

  4. Author

    Hi happysheep

    Thanks for dropping by !

    Appreciate the information you provided !

  5. Author

    Hi Cashmere,

    Yunnan is really beautiful !!

    I believe their website has a English translation with the aid of Google 😉

  6. Author

    Hi Wedding photography in Lijiang

    Thanks for providing the translation link !

  7. We have been to Lijiang and it is indeed a very picturesque place with stunning scenery and would be a perfect backdrop for a wedding photographer, or anyone who likes to take photos.

  8. Author

    Hi Milly

    I am looking forward to the day I visit Lijiang and take lots of photos and share my adventures here !

  9. Author

    Hi Wedding photography in Lijiang

    Yup ! Hope to see couples from Singapore going over to Lijiang for their wedding photography shoot !

  10. Author

    Hi wed photographer

    Glad that you like the information here & find it useful !

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