Motorists in Singapore, are these some of those frustrations that you face quite often? From a fellow motorist to other motorists in Singapore, can you relate to some of those driving/parking experiences below? Getting stuck at car park gantry due to insufficient funds (and you have to search desperately forContinue Reading

Formula 1 (F1) motorsports racing action is back in Singapore this weekend taking place from 15th to 17th September 2023 at the Marina Bay Circuit. This iconic Singapore GP night race mesmerises motorsports fans from around the world, putting Singapore into the limelight beyond F1 motorsports action on the downtownContinue Reading

Local non-profit educational and cultural organisation Alliance Française De Singapour invites you on a journey AROUND THE WORLD! This highly immersive, interesting, enriching and engaging exhibition showcases the best of French transportation across the ages. This exhibition is inspired by French author Jules Verne and his world famous Extraordinary VoyagesContinue Reading