The SuperTree Grove at Gardens By The Bay in Singapore, distinctive, unique and tall vertical trees with large canopies. The awesome SuperTrees are key landmarks and designs of Gardens By The Bay that are popular with the locals and international visitors to Gardens By The Bay. The OCBC Skyway allows visitors to be high up in the sky walking along the 128-metre long walkway with a height of 22-metres that connects two Supertrees at the Supertree Grove, and take in a different view of the Gardens. The OCBC Garden Rhapsody is the other star attraction/performance that combines beautiful lighting displays on the SuperTree Grove with beautiful music to give the visitors a memorable and beautiful lighting performances!
There is a new performance, titled ‘Rainforest Orchestra’, the new Garden Rhapsody brings you on a journey through the rainforest of the world. In this first segment, venture into the depths of the Amazon as the forest gradually awakens at night. With the beautiful music and lighting display on the SuperTree Grove, you have to come down and visit the SuperTree Grove, sit down, relax and enjoy the Rainforest Orchestra! It’s a great location to capture the SuperTree Grove and their surroundings, the beautiful lightings and OCBC Garden Rhapsody!
Do remember to check out their Gardens By The Bay website or their Facebook Page for updates on new events and happenings!
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