The Old Playgrounds of Singapore, the good old days of our childhood for some of us, probably many of us. I decided to continue and find my Dinosaur Playground in Toa Payoh, one of the few remaining Old Playgrounds on my list. After some research and check, I had an idea where it was located, pretty near to the Grand Old Dame, the Old Dragon Playground of Toa Payoh.
On a Sunday afternoon in October, I had an appointment in Newton, therefore I decided to plan to check out the two playgrounds in Toa Payoh, that was not too far away from Newton. For the Old Dragon Playground, it was more of a revisit and to take a look at how she looks without the old HDB blocks behind her because they were demolished in an en-bloc move. The Old Dragon Playground still looked just as good and grand, without the HDB blocks behind, it kind of makes it empty yet open and wide.
During my short visit, I saw children playing there, running around the Old Dragon Playground and playing with the sand. Although I had my tech gadgets nowadays, I do miss the fun and laughter of my childhood days at the playgrounds in my neighbourhood, where there wasn’t much technology advancements and gadgets in those era.
After taking some photographs of the Old Dragon Playground, soaking in the thoughts, feelings and emotions, I walked across the road from the Old Dragon Playground to Kim Keat Avenue. Soon I found my Dinosaur Playground! I found my big T-Rex Dinosaur there and it kind of looks cute! While it wasn’t exactly the old playground that I grew up playing at, I was having deep thoughts (like a primary school kid during my time) on how I would go around playing at the Dinosaur Playground.
When I finished photographing and documenting the Dinosaur Playground, I turned and walk away. I still have a few more Old Playgrounds to cover and complete my personal project that took me over a few years. While it had been slow and at times inconsistent on my part, I had no regrets and instead had a lot of personal fulfilment, enjoyment and nostalgia.
Time to head for the next Old Playground and tick it off my remaining list.
Created with flickr slideshow.