Lonely Planet, the world’s most popular travel guidebook, has ranked Shikoku in Japan, 6th in Lonely Planet “Best in Travel 2022” Regional Edition list of recommended travel destinations for 2022. What makes Shikoku special and unique among the many destinations to visit in Japan? First and foremost, you have to check out this YouTube video, “The Faces of Shikoku“.
Shikoku is One
Based on the principle, “Shikoku is One”, Shikoku Tourism has been working with local governments, tourism regional development corporations, related businesses, and economic organisations in the region to promote the attractiveness of Shikoku, both at home and abroad. They plan to attract more visitors to the island, in cooperation with ministries and agencies, the Shikoku District Transport Bureau, and JNTO.
Having been selected to be inside Lonely Planet “Best in Travel 2022” Regional Edition, this year’s selection is another recognition to the Shikoku pilgrimage culture of hospitality and the awareness of local residents to protect the environment, thanks to the joint efforts of the public and private sectors.
Shikoku Tourism is strongly encouraged by this selection, they will be moving forward “with” and “after” the global pandemic COVID-19. They will continue to take this opportunity of the ongoing Shikoku Destination Campaign to actively promote the establishment of the Shikoku brand in an effort to attract visitors with a focus on safety and security.
What is Lonely Planet?
Lonely Planet is a travel media company known for its globally popular guidebook series of the same name.
Lonely Planet is a travel media company known for its globally popular series of guidebooks of the same name. In addition to English, the company offers guidebooks, travel magazines, websites, videos and other media in a variety of languages, including German, French, Italian and Spanish
Information and links
For more information on Shikoku, please visit Shikoku Tourism website.
Lonely Planet’s website: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/
Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/
On a personal note as a avid Japan travel and tourism fan
If you have been following my travel and tourism coverage, I am a big fan of Japan travel and tourism. There are many prefectures in Japan that I have yet to visit, Shikoku is one of them I watch and follow various travel programs around the world, from local Japanese travel to international broadcast (e.g. BBC Travel) and media outlets as well as travel information from local JR Cafe here in Singapore and travelers and photographers from Japan that I know on Twitter. One of the Japanese destinations that caught my attention is Shikoku, I have been researching on Shikoku, adding travel plans and locations that I want to visit in Shikoku.
Some of the travel destinations/itineraries that I would like visit/embark on in Shikoku are
- Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage
- JR Shimonada Station
- Dogo Onsen Honkan
- Vine Bridges in the Iya Valley
- Mt Kamegamori
I really hope to visit Shikoku prefecture in the near future, share my travel stories, photographs and videos to the whole world!
* Information and picture courtesy of Shikoku Tourism, Lonely Planet and Media Outreach *