A world class harbour, situated in the cross-roads of the East and West and one of the world’s busiest ports (if not the world’s busiest) Singapore has always been closely associated with the shipping and sea-faring routes, services and business. With growing prosperity, wealth and economic growth over the years, there are more facilities and opportunities available for the leisure boats, crafts and marinas in Singapore recently over the past few years.
Boat Asia, was held to cater for this growing market, for the leisure users and business relating to/or inside this industry. Boat Asia was held at 2 locations, Marina Promontory and Keppel Bay Marina, I was kindly invited by Marina Bay Singapore to visit the Boat Asia on the weekends, thank you very much to Marina Bay Singapore for the invitation to Boat Asia!
Due to my time and schedule constraints, I was only able to visit 1 location at Marina Bay Promontory and I was able to capture part of the Bay Challenge too, watching from the sides of Marina Bay and One Fullerton stretch. While at the Marina Promontory, it’s interesting to see the various vendors, activities and services, providing information on sea-faring activities to marina clubs and of course, nice yachts of different sizes.
With the wonder development and expansion of Marina Bay, I am looking forward to future boating/sailing events at Marina Bay, I reckon it’s a matter of time before Marina Bay is bustling with more leisure and recreational activities when it has finished building up (that’s still Bay South – Gardens by the Bay) and Marina Bay Financial District sector, to make it an all-in-one location consisting of many business, leisure and recreation activities and lifestyle in the Marina Bay Hub!
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.