Returning back to my alumni mata, Gan Eng Seng School Dragon Scout Group, for its annual investiture ceremony, it had been a 1 year break for me since I was badly injured 1 year ago and wasn’t able to be back with them in 2010 and take their Group photograph.
Making a return was great, although I wasn’t taking the Group photograph this year, it still felt good to be among the Dragon Scout Group extended family, happily taking photographs, candid moments and scouting activities. Catching up with the boys and girls, young leaders, teachers-in-charge and fellow Old Boys of Dragon Chapter, it’s home coming, warmth and helping to keep the Scouting fire and spirit, glowing bright and strong, passing it on to the younger generation, and to pass it further on to future generations.
Sharing experiences and knowledge, Pay-It-Forward, giving back to Dragon Scout Group, helping and mentoring, may all these wisdom and sharing be continued and carry on beyond the current Dragon Scout Group family, to the future generations of Dragon Scout Group family.
Onward Dragon Scout Group !
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