Fireworks Pics from Singapore’s 44th Birthday !


After my National Day Parade 2009 Preview on 1st August 2009, I was planning to return on the actual National Day Parade itself on the 9th August 2009 to take the fireworks itself and immersed myself with the crowds around the Marina Bay, Esplanade and One Fullerton.


It was very crowded when I arrived around 530pm at Raffles Place MRT Station and began walking towards One Fullerton, the crowds had swelled up and entries to certain areas such as the Esplanade Bridge and One Fullerton was sealed up to prevent overcrowding. I had to walk towards the open ground between One Fullerton and Clifford Pier Hotel and camped myself there, finding a location and setting up my tripod.


This location wasn’t too bad, although I couldn’t see much of the Pre-Parade actions, I got different views of the Chinook arriving, the Apaches in action and the National Flag Fly Past ! Thereafter, I made the final preparations for capturing the fireworks and waited patiently. Once the Fireworks started firing, everybody around was very excited to watch and enjoy the Birthday Fireworks ! Hope you folks enjoy the fireworks !! More can be viewed here at my Flickr !!


Happy 44th Birthday Singapore !!



  1. Happy Birthday Singapore!

  2. So your National Day is such a happy day!

    I hope we can have such kind of feeling too. But we can’t use internet freely just because out national day is coming…

  3. Not a bad spot huh?
    Wanted to go to One Fullerton too but the whole place was al sealed up. So I ended up driving around Marina.. and kinda missed the fireworks. They SHOULD NOT seal the place. At least give some warnings or so.. so that people wouldn’t waste their time going down there to be turned down.

  4. Author

    Hi Mei Teng

    Thank you for the birthday wishes !

  5. Author

    Hi SeenThisSceneThat

    Yeah ! We will have fun celebrating Singapore’s 44th Birthday !

  6. Author

    Hi iWalk,

    I believe you would have a fun time celebrating your country’s National Day too !

  7. Author

    Hi Cashmere

    Yeah, they sealed up One Fullerton early…. disappointed, however, made the best out of it.

    Must be disappointing to miss the fireworks, don’t feel too bad about it.

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