Gardens By The Bay has been an iconic landmark and destination since her days when she was first officially opened to the public. Having been to Gardens By The Bay a number of times, photographing and covering her growth and expansion in stages from her pre-opening days (sneak peak) to the official opening and visiting Gardens By The Bay along the way, she has added and opened more interesting themes to the overall Gardens By The Bay.
In my most recent visit to Gardens By The Bay, hosted by the friendly staff, a group of social media enthusiasts were given a tour of the latest floral display inside the Flower Dome – Battle of the Roses. Mihkkaail Ng also brought us around for a special guided tour of the various gardens inside the Flower Dome, Succulent Garden, The BaoBabs, Australian Garden and Californian Garden (check out more information of the various gardens here!) Over the period when Gardens By The Bay first officially opened her doors to the public, the trees, floral and fauna inside Flower Dome slowly increases, transforming into a lush and beautiful gardens from around the different continents of the world.
Sun Pavilion
We then proceed to the newly opened Sun Pavilion, not too far away from the Flower Dome. Sun Pavilion is the prickly garden, home to one of Southeast Asia’s largest cacti and succulent gardens. Sun Pavilion is home to over 1,000 desert plants comprising some 100 different species and varieties and with her opening on 28th February 2014, visitors to Gardens By The Bay has something special and unique to visit and learn more about the different floral and fauna around the world! We were given a guided tour by Anton Steven, an expert of the desert plants under his charge at the Sun Pavilion!
When you are visiting Sun Pavilion, you will be able to spot the amazing Mexican columnar cacti, which bring to mind the desert landscapes reminiscent of those in olden-day cowboy films, and the large succulent Euphorbias, which while less spiny, are interesting as they produce latex to protect themselves against hungry predators. The Sun Pavilion also houses smaller succulents with eye-catching details such as the Brazilian species of Turk’s Cap, and the Brain Cactus.
The various and unique desert plants really make a walkthrough the Sun Pavilion very interesting and visitors can get to learn more about them and how countries with deserts look like with the desert plants. More information on the Sun Pavilion – at Gardens by the Bay is available here at –
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Far East Organization Children’s Garden
There is a star attraction now at Gardens By The Bay, the Far East Organization’s Children’s Garden, making Gardens By The Bay truly a park for the young and the old! The Children’s Garden was made possible with a SGD10-million contribution from Far East Organization. The Far East Organization Children’s Garden encourages playfulness by giving children the liberty to explore, imagine and create – in a way that no smartphone, tablet, or game console can offer – all within a garden setting that will spark the child’s imagination and appreciation for nature and the environment. The Far East Organization Children’s Garden is now open to the public and admission is free. The play area operates from 9am to 9pm, and closes for maintenance every Monday (or the next working day if a public holiday falls on a Monday of that week.
Hanging around the Children’s Garden, the Water Play, Adventure Trails, Tree Houses and Forest Adventure, we can see that it is very popular with the children, running around and having a fun and leisure time either with the water or the playgrounds in the Forest Adventure. The adults accompanying their children, I am pretty sure they are also enjoying a bit of themselves too, remembering the days when they were young and carefree playing in the playgrounds.
For more information on the Far East Organization Children’s Garden, as well as other features and programmes of Gardens by the Bay, is available at
Gardens By The Bay has now transformed into a very nice and beautiful park, there is something for everybody from the young to the old where everybody can have fun, relax, enjoy the outdoors and sunshine, flora, fauna, the children’s playground, watching sunrise or sunset at the Marina Bay area, and there is also bird/wildlife spotting opportunities as well!
Have fun at Gardens By The Bay and see you there!
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.