On 13 May 2006, I finally got the chance to visit The Photographers Gallery, opened by my secondary school Dragon Scout senior, Jeff. The link to the Gallery is on the sidebar. Please do go in and take a tour of the works displayed there.
Met Jeff in the afternoon at 1530 hrs, I was admiring the artworks and photos display when he showed me around his Gallery. The works were awesome, learned from Jeff that they were not necessarily professionals who displayed their works at the Gallery, yet the artists and photographers artwork caught my eye and attention, something they really like to do and specialise in e.g. taking nature macro shots, panoroma shots etc…. It was awesome, unique, special and beautiful art of photography.
I was wondering, searching for something inside me, what do I need to do to make it special? I am and seem to be taking a lot of photographs and I have not found what I really wanted to shoot. “Find something you like and create a niche for yourself” – advice from guru Jeff. Reflecting on my out of sorts photographs, I am planning to start off with nature and travel photography.
Jeff is also conducting a studio portraiture course and I have signed up for it. Maybe this field of photography would allow me to improve my skills & creativity further. I might like studio photography so much that I could do it for my friends, relatives, colleagues in the future ! Got chance already, can go find models for my studio photography …..
Later on, I showed my works to Jeff. Learned many tips on picture composition, positioning, creativity and digital workflow. “Shoot in RAW” – Jeff. Ummm….. looking foward to taking photographs in the future in RAW format.
I certainly looked foward to the class and bring my photography skills to a higher level. I would be updating my lessons and photographs along the way.