Old Playgrounds Personal Project Update

My journey and adventure in searching for Old Places and Old Playgrounds in Singapore started around 2010 when I first saw Royston Tan documentary on Old Places in Singapore. This led me to start documenting, photographing and sharing about the Old Places in Singapore based on Royston’s Old Places list, that brought me around Singapore a lot and made many more new friends in the social media arena.


The Old Playgrounds was actually a subset of the bigger Old Places portfolio, however, over the time that I was photographing and “chasing” the Old Playgrounds, this got me more interested and excited, knowing that the Old Playgrounds is a big list/portfolio itself for me to complete it as one of my own personal projects that I had chosen to embark on. With the Google maps Old Playgrounds locations prepared by Justin Zhuang, I was planning to cover all the Old Playgrounds inside the list. When I first started, it was full of fire and I went to a few of the locations with my friends to cover the Old Playgrounds. As times goes by, work, other events coverage, distractions and constraints took me off the pedal in my pursuit of the Old Playgrounds in Singapore.

I was very guilty and feeling bad that my own personal project took a back seat which meant that my personal project took me longer than usual to complete and losing out the golden opportunity to photograph and document them before they were demolished or replaced by modern playground. Recently I decided to restart where I left off for my Old Playgrounds personal project. While some of them were covered yet I haven’t write about them except for the uploading of photographs into my Flickr, do keep a lookout for my Old Playground posts of the past Old Playgrounds that I covered previously in the month ahead! Recently, I kickstarted my Old Playgrounds personal project again, covering 3 more Old Playgrounds. In the upcoming posts, I will write a post for each individual Old Playground, preparing me for a personal goal to produce my own photography book on Old Playgrounds in the future.

My Old Playgrounds collection on Flickr can be found here and do visit my collection for a step back into your childhood memories! Here are also some of my earlier Old Playgrounds posts to share you with folks who are supporters of Old Places and Singapore Memory Project.

A Tale of 2 Dragons

Growing Up With This Old Playground

Remember The Old Playground ?

Reflecting back on my Old Playgrounds pursuit, I was proud and happy that I took on this personal project upon myself. Moving ahead, I am looking forward to completing my Old Playgrounds personal project. I would like to thank all my supporters and readers for accompanying me in this wonderful journey. I will continue to work/photograph/document/share on my photography and stories, an aspiring photojournalist who turns photographs into stories.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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