I love to travel and visit many different places around the world, although till date, I haven’t travel as far away as I would love to! Armed with the power of social media channels and platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, I get to know many new friends around theContinue Reading

In its 7th Season, N.E.mation! is back with a bang! A digital animation competition organised by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total Defence, it was highly successful and well received by many students, who participated in the N.E.mation! over the past 6 seasons. N.E.mation! 7 is back andContinue Reading

In an earlier introductory post of a photography exhibition on my personal blog, Bought and Sold : Voices of human trafficking. I shared with my readers on the topic of slavery and human trafficking. They are an example of something that we human beings thought/assumed that it has improved yet it isContinue Reading