Light to Night Festival 2019 returns to the Civic District in Singapore with two unique experiences over a period of six weeks, starting from 18th January 2019. The Singapore Art Week Edition is taking place from 18th January to 27th January 2019 before the Bicentennial Edition takes over from 28th January to 24th February 2019.Continue Reading

In today’s world of technology, internet and social media networks, in an instant,  with the power of smartphones and apps, photographs of almost anything and everything, can be captured and shared in an instant. Where is the origin of this modern instant photography? The origin of modern instant photography canContinue Reading

A special exhibition is now taking place at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, it’s titled “Between the Lines – The Chinese Cartoon Revolution”. This is a unique and very interesting exhibition, using satirical sketches to tell stories, spread a national movement and capture historical moments in time. Wan QingContinue Reading

The Malay CultureFest 2018 is back, it was officially launched on the 12th October 2018 at the Malay Heritage Centre by the Guest of Honour, Mdm Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore. Along with the launch of MalayCultureFest 2018, a special exhibition titled, “Undangan ke Baitullah: Pilgrims’ Stories fromContinue Reading

The Singapore Night Festival 2018, in its 11th edition since her maiden debut in 2008, an event that I have consistently visited all 11  editions till date (check out my Flickr collection – Singapore Night Festival). Singapore Night Festival 2018 took place from 17th to 25th August 2018 at the Bras Basah BugisContinue Reading

The “Oscars of Photojournalism”, the World Press Photo (WPP) Exhibition is back in Singapore! Presented by The Straits Times, the World Press Photo (WPP) Exhibition 2018 features 161 prize-winning photographs that captured some of the most powerful, mind blowing and eye opener images around the world! The World Press PhotoContinue Reading