Have you ever wonder how different cultures and music can come together to explore a cross-cultural musical journey? This was the question on my mind too when I heard about The Origins Cipher – The Unbreakable Lock of Harmonious Fundamentals presented by Siong Leng Musical Association in collaboration with Esplanade Continue Reading

One of Singapore’s favourite heritage and cultural festivals, Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall (SYSNMH) Wan Qing Mid-Autumn Festival is back as a physical attendance event! Due to the global pandemic situation in 2020 and 2021, it was a digital/online event. For this year 2022, Wan Qing Mid-Autumn Festival 2022Continue Reading

In a modern world driven by internet, social media and instant gratification, how do you bring together heritage, culture, traditions, both tangible and intangible cultural heritage to people, from the young to the seniors? A real life challenge to practice, continue and passing it on, our cultural heritage and traditionsContinue Reading