A few months ago, I was following closely, photographing the N.E.mation! 9 Top 22 Super Pitch. It was an eye opener to go behind the scenes and watched their enthusiasm, ideas and presentation to enter the final Top 10 teams. When the Top 10 teams were announced, I was looking forward to their final animation clips for the N.E.mation! 9.
At N.E.mation! 9 Downtown Picnic, I went down and visited the Top 10 teams at the National Library, walking through each team’s booth, presentation and their animation clip for the N.E.mation! 9 competition. I am pretty impressed with some of the teams animation clips, having listen and watched their presentation during their Top 22 Super Pitch, I am very happy for them to see the fruits of their labour being shown to the public. I was able to remember how some of their teams presented their pitch with their story boards and producing some pretty awesome animation clips!
I have been supporting and following N.E.mation! from N.E.mation! 6 to N.E.mation! 9 today. Today, I would like to call for everybody here to give them your fullest attention! Visit N.E.mation! and view the Top 10 teams animation clips produced by the N.E.mation! 9 teams!
Here are the ways whereby you can vote for your favourite N.E.mation! 9 animation clip and you can stand to win attractive prizes too!
Image courtesy of N.E.mation!
Image Courtesy of N.E.mation!
Image courtesy of N.E.mation!
Here are the website and social media links for N.E.mation! –
– Official website: www.nemation.sg
– Facebook: www.facebook.com/nemation
– Mobile: m.nemation.sg
– Twitter: www.twitter.com/nemation
– YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/NEmators
Dear friends and supporters, let’s all support the wonderful young talent of Singapore that are participating in N.E.mation! 9 and give them our fullest support!