Today, I would like to sincerely give a Big THANK YOU to all my loyal Entrecard members who consistently and regularly dropped Entrecards on my photoblog. Your support is greatly and deeply appreciated !
As of 0026hrs Singapore Time, the roll of honour for my highly valued fellow bloggers and Entrecard droppers (from the Entrecard Statistics RSS) are –
A blog showcasing my mutterings, random rants, raves and whinings on life’s daily maneuvers. Read more…
Follow the BMW Sauber F1 team through everything from team and driver editorials to news and all the buzz surrounding BMW Sauber F1. Read more…
Photography by KML features the fine art and stock images of photographer, Kathy Libby. KML specializes in Landscape and Nature photos. The stock photos include concepts, food, backgrounds, abstracts, sports, architecture, transportation, and people. Read more…
A personal blog which talks about daily life’s mutterings but I would love to talk more on the beauty of life… Read more…
Diary of a Freelance writer combining reviews, links and information of use to other writers. Always returns drops. Read more…
I believe every topic is debatable in a civil manner no matter how extreme the topic is. I don’t believe in racism at all and racist elements of our society only server to keep us back. Without debating the hard issues openly, we don’t progress. As a society, we must progress in a positive direction in order to survive. That often means pulling out heads out of the sand and facing reality, something many Americans, along with other nationalities, often try to avoid. Read more…
I see Yambol every day and every day I wish I had my camera on me. Well that’s what I do now, keep the camera on me. You now can share what I see on a daily basis. Read more…
Turned away, threatened, silenced…. a woman’s determination to save her only son and expose the dark side of the civil service!! I drop cards EVERYDAY and only to those who drop back. If you want to exchange daily drops, leave a message. Blog awards winner. Good traffic to my blog. Read more…
Starting with my quit and running through retirement, this is my life. Read more…
Join a Malaysian/Swiss mutt currently living in Chicago in observing, comparing and celebrating the similarities and differences between Malaysia, Switzerland and the USA. Read more…
Showcases of photography, idea, concept, design, graphic, environment, architecture, interior and art Read more…
Personal observations on a wide variety of subjects. Photographs of creatures and things that are taken on seeing the unusual as well as everyday things. Read more…
I am a busy mom of a teenager and a baby (and 2 fur babies) with a passion for photograpy! I post my photos along with stories of my crazy life! Read more…
iWalk & Her Friends’ Travel Blog & Smart Travel Guide Read more…
I am a wife, mother, and work-from-home attorney, who loves to write. I blog daily about families, with a focus on holding the family together. Read more…
Blog of News & Trips of my Hello Kitty and Limited Edition & Special Edition Hello Kitty Gifts for All Occasions and Everyone! Read more…
I am but a traveler… Read more…
This blog explores anything and everything that has to do with travel–book reviews, destination information, photos, travel advice, travel tips, news. Travelers and adventurers of all ages will enjoy the collection! Read more…
A Houston centric blog with social, media, and lifestyle based original videos tracking the South Asian scene. Also watch movie trailers or catch up on the latest news and more. Read more…
A freelance copywriter working from home. Loves cats, collecting perfumes & daydreaming! Writes about anything under the sun. From hobbies and food to love and life, Mariuca has it all! Read more…
Mentholated Contemplation of Life Read more…
A blog where you can find some photos, shot by me. Read more…
Holly seeks peaceful living through her love of photography, nature, wildlife and dogs. Her interests in cycling, recycling and recipes join the personal stories and two cents that she shares. Good karma, look out! Read more…
something sweet to be cherished forever… Read more…
A blog with photos of fantastic places where everyone should aim to go on vacations at least once in their lifetime… Also including suggestions on places to visit, things to see and some always in handy hotel reviews… Read more…