Recently, I received an award from – Chopsticks – The One And Only Original Chopsticks Chopsticks Blogger. I am very grateful and appreciative with the award received.
After receiving this award, I have to pay it foward to my fellow bloggers. Here are the rules for the recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I wish to pass these awards to
(1) Lainy’s Musings
(2) Boleh ! Boleh !
(6) iWalk,U2?
(7) Guilty Pleasures
(9) eastcoastlife
(10) Leet Gallery
Please do drop by the 10 awesome blogs here !
Hey thanks man. It sure felt great to be awarded this triple award twice.
Thanks for showing such great support for my blog. Wish you a Happy Lunar New Year!
Hi! I feel honored in being one of the recipients of this lovely award. However, I already had this posted in my Love Blog –
I added your link as one of the people who gave me this award.
Thank you so much!
May you have a fabulous weekend!
Oh! Oh! Two of my blogs were actually recipient of this awesome award-
Thank you so, so much!
Thank you for the award!
I think it’s a first for me.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Tique
thanks a lot for the award you extended and also congratulations for the triple award you got. hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks jinghui for the award!
There will be no fireworks for River Hongbao this year because it is expensive to host one. The committee is scaling down on expenses due to the economy crisis. So fire crackers will be let off instead. 🙂
Come down to support!!
Oh my! thank you!
Oh thanks JH, it’s one of the best new year gifts I have received!
Tomorrow is the New Year’s Eve, How will you celebrate it?
Well done on your award. What I really want to say is…..I really do adore the two puppy dogs in the photo, top banana.
Like the look of your site.
this is an interesting award. it’s a great way to share the “love”!
hey, congratulation for all the winner, but wait a minute is that a ‘sisterhood award’ in it ? hihihi…….. I guess tangenghui has been a part of the sisterhood 😀
* kidding tgh , more power for you and your blog !!! *
Thank you everybody !
I deeply appreciate everybody well wishes, blessings and comments here !
Wish you all the best in your blogging !