Sunglasses, how does come into the picture for my photography website? This accessory is not directly linked to photography and mainstream photography accessories. The sunglasses is more of an apparel, essential and important especially for those who spent time outdoors in their work and leisure. A pair of sunglasses inContinue Reading

I visited Hokkaido in November 2014 for a Central/Eastern Hokkaido familiarisation trip and I fell in love with Hokkaido. This gorgeous destination is a photographers haven with the great outdoors and the natural environment. As a fan of the great outdoors, landscapes and love of photography, Hokkaido has a veryContinue Reading

The Oscars of photojournalism is back in Singapore, World Press Photo 2015 exhibition will showcase 145 prize winning photographs that captured the most powerful, expressive and at times provocative press images from around the world that tell many stories to the rest of the world. The 145 photographs were shortlistedContinue Reading