The i light festival is back at Marina Bay Singapore! This bright, colourful, interesting and unique light artwork displays festival is back for their 4th edition in Singapore, starting on 4th March 2016 to 27th March 2016. Looking back into my photography archives on Flickr, the inaugural i light marina bay festival was held in 2010, followed by 2012 and 2014. Over the previous three editions, we were able to witness many unique, interesting and colourful light artwork displays at Marina Bay Singapore. With many light artwork installations over the three editions and now 4th edition, I am always amazed by the lights, designs and ideas.
i Light Marina Bay is Asia’s leading sustainable light art festival, this year’s 2016 theme is “In Praise of Shadows” with 25 innovative and environmentally friendly light artwork installations installed and showcased around the Marina Bay area. For i Light Marina Bay 2016, the event has become bigger with more programs and festivities happening in the vincinity of Marina Bay, outdoor performances, workshops and outdoor dining options.
I started my i Light Marina Bay 2016 adventure from the Esplanade, walking down towards The Float @ Marina Bay, crossing the Helix Bridge to Art Science Museum, continuing towards Waterfront Promenade and Marina Bay City Gallery. Thereafter, I continued towards the Promontory @ Marina Bay before ending my adventure outside Fullerton Bay Hotel. It was a bit of a fast walk for me, to document, cover and photograph all 25 light artwork installations at i Light Marina Bay 2016 within a night from around 8pm to 11pm. However, I am still planning to go back and revisit some of the light artwork installations again, especially those that I want to photograph more in-depth, from a few different perspectives and angles. After that, I would share and upload them into my i Light Marina Bay 2016 photo collection on Flickr.
Allow me to bring you back in time to the first three editions of i Light Marina Bay before experiencing the 4th edition! Here’s my i Light Marina Bay photography collection on Flickr
From the 25 light artwork installations, there are a few of them that caught my eye and attention. Personally, here are some of my favourite light artwork installations from i Light Marina Bay 2016 –
– What A Loving Beautiful World – Art Science Museum by teamLab (Japan)
– Lightscape Pavilion by MisoSoupDesign (Taiwan)
– Marine Constellations by Laughing Stars (Japan) and Lumen Artistry (Singapore)
Each and everyone of the 25 artists and their light artwork installations deserve recognition and special mention for their showcase at i Light Marina Bay 2016. Do check out the 25 artists bio and light artwork installations description on the website! This would be helpful to learn more about the respective artist and their inspiration, ideas and design behind their light artwork!
I had always been amazed, fascinated and attracted by the colourful bright lights from i Light Marina Bay festivals. Each edition brings out something different and special to me, that I can visit, enjoy the lightings and artworks. Through the different artists unique artworks, they do give me inspiration for my photography too! Let there be light and my photography flows along with it!
More information on i Light Marina Bay can be found on their website, do remember to download their festival guide into your smartphone or tablet, this would come in very handy and useful when you start your i Light Marina Bay 2016 adventure! Gather your family, loved ones and friends, head on down to Marina Bay Singapore and enjoy i Light Marina Bay 2016!
Useful information for i Light Marina Bay 2016
From: 4th March to 27th March
Opening Hours: 7:30pm to 11:00pm (extended to 12mn on Friday and Saturday night)
Location: Marina Bay Singapore
Website: i Light Marina Bay
Created with flickr slideshow.