Today is 22nd February 2020, wishing all fellow (former and current) Scouts a Happy Scout Founders Day 2020!

What I am today, there was a big influence from my Scouting days at Dragon Scout Group, one of the oldest Scout troops in Singapore, founded in 1922. My love for the outdoors, travel, trekking, friendships and bonds that had stood the test of time (30 years with my batch mates, not out and still counting!). Please follow my alma mater Dragon Scout Group on Facebook, and for fellow Dragon Scout old boys and girls, join the Dragon Chapter!

Sharing some photographs that I took of Dragon Scout Group over the years, you can view more Dragon Scouting photographs inside this flickr collection! I still have some good old day scouting adventures photographs of my scouting days, I would need to consolidate and scan those photography prints, I still have some film negatives, time to do some work on them!
Just doing to Pay It Forward and Pass It On, giving back to my alma mater Dragon Scout Group whenever I am able to!