We are still in the first quarter of year 2020, a new decade, a new era, while we were expecting some headwinds, what we didn’t expect was a face off with a virus that we don’t much about, that is now officially known as COVID-19. This virus COVID-19 got us worried, panicky and paranoid to a certain extent. A number of things happened recently, uncertainties and difficulties await us in the next one to two quarters at least. A number of thoughts inside my heart, mind and soul, time for some updates, changes, keep calm and carry on.
At the start of the new year 2020, I wrote about my theme and goals for year 2020 photography and travel and one for my year 2020 technology and personal segments. Currently, with this COVID-19 virus situation, along with its impacts to Singapore’s economy and world economy, uncertainties, fears and slowdown have affected us. On my technology and business portal/blog, I shared more stories, views and thoughts in this article “Keep Calm and Carry On, Updates, Changes, Plans”.
The impacts on commercial photography industry can be seen and felt, along with other industries such as aviation, travel, hospitality, food, retail etc. It’s all hands on deck on how I would be navigating through this turbulent times for my photography business. Back to the drawing board, reorganising, planning and strategising, diversifying within my photography business, related industries and out of photography business into other business interests.
For my personal photography, this area might take on more significance, not in the revenue aspect though. This downturn is a good time to devote time to the craft and artistic segments of my photography while managing my costs during my personal photography endeavours.
Travel photography might be pushed back, no thanks to the COVID-19 virus situation. I really hope to go back into my travel photography and travel writer adventures. I am working on this area, growing into a bigger professional segment for me in year 2020 and beyond.
Year 2020 did not get off to a good start for everyone, let’s all keep calm and carry on, unite and work hard together to navigate through this crisis.