The slogan on Keith Crackling Roast menu says it all “The Best Crackling Pork Roast on the Island”. Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce to you, Keith Crackling Roast, a specialist in roast and they are one the best in their business of roasting, if not, the best.
I recently started a personal photography project to take photographs, write and share about fellow friends who are entrepreneurs operating in various businesses and industries. Depending on their type of businesses, I will conceptualise and plan my own unique and personal photojournalistic story telling and approach to showcase their businesses and the entrepreneur themselves. This was something personal that I wanted to do and to give back via my photography.
Keith is a friend that I knew from alumni networking via Australian Alumni Singapore. He’s from Macquarie University while I am from the University of Queensland and we met during networking functions through Jude, a graduate from Macquarie University. I had a taste of Keith Crackling Roast during my University of Queensland Alumni Association of Singapore (UQAAS) AGM and instead of listening; I was guilty of eating a lot of the absolutely delicious Keith Crackling Roast.
I had a chat with Jude, who helped me to liaise and linked up with Keith. Soon, my plan kicked into action, with Jude helping me as my photographer assistant and my Creative Director (for food styling and arrangement). Even though there were space constraints around the stall, we managed to get the Keith Crackling Roast shoot transforming into a fun and enjoyable photo shoot of the roast, Keith the entrepreneur and their food outlet.
Keith Crackling Roast, their roast pork and honey roast strips, don’t really need any food reviews at all. You may be asking why? It’s simply so delicious that when you look at the photographs that I shot, you will want to go down and taste it for yourself personally! Yes, it’s really that awesome, delicious and addictive! Once you tasted Keith Crackling Roast, you want to go back for more!
Visit Keith Crackling Roast and try out their roast, you will not regret! The information and details of Keith Crackling Roast are below –
Keith Crackling Roast
Address: Pasar Bella @ The Grandstand, 200 Turf Club Road, #02-37 Singapore 287994
Contact: 91195994
Facebook Page:
Opening Hours: Mon to Fri: 1030hrs to 2000hrs, Sat to Sun: 1030hrs to 2030hrs
I would like to thank Keith of Keith Crackling Roast for the time and opportunity to photograph him and his delicious roast food business! There is also friendly mate, Jude for liaising and helping me during the shoot!
Oh, before I forget, you can also order Keith Crackling Roast for your home party event too! Remember to book in advance!
Created with flickr slideshow.