Instagram … I have long been wanting to share my stories and adventures using this wonderful application. It all probably started with the trend of using smartphone as our daily camera that we can carry around to snap daily photographs of our daily life and surroundings, with more users having a smartphone, along with improved camera phone technology, supported by many application developers designing many camera applications, smartphone photography or iPhonegraphy is the new phenomenon.
Imagine yourself with a polaroid camera, taking instant photographs and giving it away or sharing it with your friends and loved ones. This was how Instagram came about, read more about their story here! Capturing the magical moments/places/events and sharing it instantly with various social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr!
Being an avid (or hardcore) Instagram user, I love the various filters available and it’s a great way to go on a happy go lucky street photography shoot, making new friends from all over the world through my Instagram photographs and sharing. Instagram users have also form their own photography/social community in their respective cities and countries. A testimonial to Instagram, the growth, expansion and phenomenon, in Singapore, we are having SIN – A Singapore Instagram Exhibition, to celebrate Singapore, in its daily life, people, places and food. This exhibition will be held at National Library Singapore.
More details here –
SIN – A Singapore Instagram Exhibition
Venue : Level 8 – Promenade in National Library Building, 100 Victoria Street
Date : Saturday Sep 17, 2011 – Sunday Oct 30, 2011
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.