The trilogy and journey of my Star Wars Lego continues with the recent addition of the Star Wars Lego 75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon. I had already started planning and ordered my next few Star Wars Lego purchases for my own Star Wars Lego collection and photography scenes shoot. I discovered the Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon when it was on sale at Raffles City by Robinsons. Shopping Centre and upon spotting a good discounted price, I bought it!
Different photographers such as Vesa Lehtimaki, jooka5000, Jerac, Dave Hudecity and Ric Tse Legography inspired me in combining Lego and photography. There are also many other Lego fans on The Brothers Brick and MOCpages. I decided to take a few steps further into my Star Wars Lego photography with the following new and additional measures –
– Taking photographs of the step by step construction of my Star Wars Lego 75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon
– Strobist lighting with my Canon speedlite 580ex2 with PocketWizard MiniTT1 transmitter and FlexTT5 radio trans-receiver with softbox umbrella reflector and light stand
– A make shift backdrop using a blue fabric cloth
The above measures gave me a good on the job photography learning experience, putting my strobist lighting knowledge to practical application, doing photography product shoot using Star Wars Lego toys.
The experiences and fun of building Star Wars Lego were much better and enriching, allowing me to appreciate the step-by-step construction process. I am looking forward to enhance and fine-tune my workflow when future Star Wars Lego toys arrive!
What are my plans ahead for my Star Wars Lego collection and photography shoot? First and foremost, I am planning to bring out my Star Wars Lego toys for an outdoor scene shoot, using Old Playgrounds in Singapore as my photography shoot scene with the Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon, Utapau Troopers and AAT microfighter. Stay tuned and I hope to share my stories, setup and Star Wars Lego photography scenes soon!
May The Force Be With You!
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
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