A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away …

For all the Star Wars fans out there, the new and younger ones, the older and loyal ones, everyone of us had been eagerly and anxiously waiting for the official launch of Star Wars VII – The Force Awakens in December 2015. Star Wars fans in Singapore were given an awesome surprise with Star Wars “flying” and landing inside Singapore Changi Airport! Two iconic and well known Star Wars starfighters made an appearance at Singapore Changi Airport, the X-Wing Starfighter at Terminal 3 and TIE Fighter at Terminal 2 for Star Wars at Changi!



A big time Star Wars fan like me, I was jumping with joy and excitement when I read the news of the life sized Star Wars fighters “flying” into Singapore! For many of the Star Wars fans, I am pretty sure they would make the trip to Changi Airport and photograph the X-Wing Starfighter and TIE Fighter! On a Saturday evening, I was going to send my friend Deborah off at the airport and decided to photograph the TIE Fighter and X-Wing Starfighter before meeting my friend Deborah.

It was an amazing experience, quite up close and personal to the life sized TIE Fighter and X-Wing Starfighter. While the background scenes weren’t exactly Hoth, Yavin or Endor, it felt great, nostalgic and exciting! There were quite a number of people at Terminal 2 and 3, taking photos of the TIE Fighter and X-Wing Starfighter, while waiting for their flight or just arriving into Singapore.



Sometimes, no words are needed for Star Wars fans. We just loved to be there and be up close to the two life sized Star Wars fighters. Let my Star Wars at Changi photographs collection do the talking!

May The Force Be With You! Always! 

Created with flickr slideshow.

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