100 years, a centenary milestone, this is definitely a remarkable feat and achievement. In this year 2022, we are going to celebrate a centenary milestone with my alma mater, Dragon Scout Group (DSG) , celebrating DSG100 Years in Scouting.
Founded in 1922, Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scout Group is one of the oldest scout troop in Singapore. A rich history and heritage not matched by many scout troops in Singapore. As for my journey in Dragon Scouting , it all started in 1990, entering into a lifelong and continuous adventure of scouting skills, life skills, friendships and camaraderie for life. I learnt more than just scouting skills and knowledge from my seniors and leaders who led by leadership, teaching and actions, passing down the scouting fire and spirit, to the juniors. We would then continue on, paying it forward and passing it on, down to our juniors and beyond that can be seen in Dragon Scouting today and into the future. In my personal tribute to former DSG Scoutmaster Mr Richard Teo, you would be to understand more in-depth what Dragon Scouting meant to me.
Continuing this legacy, I would Pay-It-Forward and Pass-It-On whenever possible with alma mater Dragon Scout Group, I was involved in the 85th anniversary celebrations and 90th anniversary dinner organised by Dragon Chapter. From the Dragon Scout Group photo taking, campfires, group camp and annual dinner, you can view some of the photographs that I took inside this Flickr collection.
For DSG100, I would contribute and help out whenever possible, taking into consideration the current circumstances due to the ongoing global pandemic, with the restrictions and safety measures in place. On a personal note, the Dragon Chapter family is looking at how we can support, contribute and be part of DSG100 Years in Scouting celebrations. Keep a lookout!
Meanwhile, keep a lookout for many exciting activities as Dragon Scout Group celebrates 100 years in Scouting! Follow their website and social media channels for more updates!
Website: https://www.dragonscouts.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dragon_scouts/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dragonscouts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DragonScouts
To all old boys and girls from the Dragon Scout Group family, let’s rally other fellow DSG alumni to come join us at Dragon Chapter and let’s all come together as one big Dragon Scout Group family celebrating DSG100 Years in Scouting.
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The time is now, for us to announce and share with the world Scouting movement that we are celebrating DSG100 Years in Scouting!
Congratulations to Dragon Scout Group on reaching a centenary milestone, celebrating DSG100 Years in Scouting!
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