The month of May is National Photography Month, this would also be my first time celebrating National Photography Month in May 2023. For all us photography/visual storytelling practitioners, this is a time for all of us to celebrate our passion, love and commitment for the art and craft of photography.
TGH Photography x Canon EOS R50 Exploration
Marking my first National Photography Month celebration, I would be showcasing some photos shot with the Canon EOS R50 that I am reviewing inside this article, published inside my maiden National Photography Month celebratory article.
The #Canon #EOSR50 was recently launched in February 2023, a new compact and lightweight APS-C mirrorless #camera. Although the EOS R50 is an entry level camera, it is packed with fun, creative tools and automated features, allowing users to create fun and high-quality vlogs, as well as fun and nice photographs.
This Canon EOS R50 is your ideal daily camera companion, lightweight and compact with its kit lens setup, delivering both quality photographs and vlogs, and most importantly bringing you fun and enjoyment.
You can now move into a new realm of fun and enjoyment in both photography and vlogging with the Canon EOS R50.
Suggestions to Celebrate National Photography Month
Here are some suggestions to celebrate National Photography Month that I reckon would allow you to explore and have fun with your photography adventures during this National Photography Month and beyond.
Go out explore your neighbourhood with your camera
How well do you know your local neighbourhood? It’s time to explore and rediscover your neighbourhood, you might have been missing out some gems that you might not have realised it.
Go for a photo walk with your photography friends or join a photo walk outing
A photo walk with your photography friends can be a fun group outing with liked minded photography friends. Or you can join a photo walk outing and make new photography friends!
Take a photo of your favourite pet (dog/cat)
Alright, you have watching cute and adorable dog or cat photos and videos on social media, you also love your pet dog/cat, take many photos of your favourite pet! For me, I have my cute and adorable neighbourhood community cats to photograph and enjoy my time with them!
Visit a photography exhibition, as well as arts, history, heritage and culture exhibition
When was the last time you visited a photography exhibition, or an arts, history, heritage and culture exhibition at the museum? Check out your local museums exhibition listings or discover where local creative artists are showcasing their artworks, support fellow local artists too!
Embark on a new personal photography project
Do you have a personal photography project on your mind but you are hesitant and afraid to take the first step? What interests you or something that is precious and close to you, that you would like to document them via your photographs and stories?
We all have the fear and anxiety before we embark on a new photography project. Why not take this National Photography Month to break this chain of fear and embark on your new personal photography project?
Publish a photo book or a photography zine
Have you ever completed personal photography projects, or a series of photographs that you really like, and wanted to publish your own photo book from your collection of works? Are you hesitant and afraid to take the first step? I published my first photo book, a black and white Hokkaido landscapes photo book in 2015, I hope my story would inspire you to take the first step to print your photography works, and your first photo book.
From a photo book, I went on to publish smaller photography works through the form of a photography zine. At that point in time, I was hesitant and afraid too. Slowly and surely, I overcame them, published two photography zines, first zine is “TGH Photography Zine Vol 1: SG55 Special Edition”, and my second zine is “TGH Photography Therapy Zine and Playbook”.
If you like, they are available for purchase as physical copy and/or digital copy on the MagCloud platform!
Read a photography book (photography tips, photo book, visual stories, photoblogs)
There are a lot of photography books providing photography skills, knowledge and tips, there are also photo books of various photography genres and interest. National Geographic magazine visual stories and photographs have been one of my early key influences and motivation to enter photography, and they are the foundation to how I pursue my visual storytelling, as well as the art and craft of photography, that can be read on my TGH Photography and Travel Portal/Blog.
Support your photographer friends
If you have photographer friends who are providing commercial/professional photography services, support them, recommend/refer contacts/business to them. As for those serious enthusiast photographers or those just starting out, encourage them and support them in their photography journeys!
Enjoy and have fun taking photographs!
Whether you are a photographer with decades of professional experience, serious enthusiast or just starting off on your photography adventure, National Photography Month gives each and everyone of us photographers to celebrate our love, passion, dedication and flair for photography.
Time to head out and enjoy having fun taking photographs with your camera! Happy National Photography Month!
Oh, for all fellow Star Wars fans out there, it’s the month of May! You know the drill! May The 4th Be With You (May The Force Be With You)!
* A TGH Photography x Canon EOS R50 Explorer Series Production *