In part one of my two parts special series, I wrote about my visual storytelling journey through 150 Years of Visual Stores: Living Pictures – Photography in Southeast Asia. For my part two special series coverage, I am chatting with Agan Harahap, one of the four notable photographers from theContinue Reading

A bright and colourful Arts in Your Neighbourhood making pop-up artworks appearance for a few hours, how would you like to view, feel and interact with the bright and colourful artworks, “Your Artist Neighbour Exhibition” by Very Small Exhibition?  Who is Very Small Exhibition? Artist Wei, the creative mind andContinue Reading

The human race of today that went through centuries of changes, growth and transformation, we still carry with us and inside us, stereotypes, biases, thinking and mentality, that we may or may not know and understand about. Although the world has make tremendous advancements, such things are still holding usContinue Reading

In a modern world driven by internet, social media and instant gratification, how do you bring together heritage, culture, traditions, both tangible and intangible cultural heritage to people, from the young to the seniors? A real life challenge to practice, continue and passing it on, our cultural heritage and traditionsContinue Reading

We live in a modern technologically advanced, internet and social media connected world today, filled with a number of technology gadgets that accompanied our daily work and living. From an array of smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, desktops, digital cameras, smart home living that are part of our life right now,Continue Reading