In a recent brunch event organised by Panasonic Asia and I was introduced to the world of Channel e, it’s not a tv channel by the way. Channel e is also not just about electronics products by Panasonic, it’s about caring for the Environment, focusing on eco-friendly products for theContinue Reading

The Singapore Biennale 2011, in its third edition, a very interesting and big eye-opener for the arts scene in Singapore. The theme this year is “Open House”, presented and hosted across 4 different venues in Singapore, Singapore Arts Museum, National Museum of Singapore, 8Q and Old Kallang Airport. What isContinue Reading

This is the start of a new journey into something that touches not just myself but also many Singaporeans who grew up and are now in their 20s and 30s, what was new and fresh during their time is now becoming history and old, with some places, locations, buildings, areasContinue Reading

On 26th March 2011, from 830pm to 930pm, Earth Hour 2011 Singapore, my thoughts here … Let the photos below convey Earth Hour 2011 message ……. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.Continue Reading

Digital SLRs, a market that has grown significantly over the past 5 years, with prices, competition and costs of production getting lower, more manufacturers/brands coming into the market. There are a lot more people owning and using a Digital SLR nowadays and Digital SLRs are getting more features packed insideContinue Reading

A big cycling event and carnival in Singapore, OCBC Cycle 2011, into its 3 year since its birth in 2009, a time of cycling fun for the community, promoting healthy and active lifestyle, from the big turnout of cyclists for the 60km, 40km and 20km routes. The professional racers tooContinue Reading

Returning back to my alumni mata, Gan Eng Seng School Dragon Scout Group, for its annual investiture ceremony, it had been a 1 year break for me since I was badly injured 1 year ago and wasn’t able to be back with them in 2010 and take their Group photograph.Continue Reading

Do you remember the times … when you were young? The surroundings, your neighbourhood, friends, schools and your playgrounds? How many years ago was that? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Fast forward till today, in this modern cosmopolitan society of Singapore, how much has changed? Are the Old PlacesContinue Reading

A New Guest Post, kindly invited by Patrica Vance, to be featured on her awesome travel site, GotSaga. For this Guest Post, it’s something that is close to me, writing from the local’s insider’s perspective on tourism and travel in my homeland, Singapore – Top 10 Things to See & DoContinue Reading