For a short time period of two and a half months since my last article post, there wasn’t any new posts on my photography and travel blog/website. For those who visited my website, you might have noticed some different during that time, the categories were gone and the links were broken. During this period, it was a very frustrating time for me, seeking help from the domain and hosting services provider reseller for answers and solutions. I had to ask my friend Brian to help me in the repair and migration of all my content to another domain and hosting services provider reseller.
How did this situation came about? To put in a short paragraph summary, making it a long story short, I was under Domains Priced Right, a reseller for GoDaddy. Around the last week of December 2017, I received an email from them that they would be applying an update to my account and I do not need to do anything about it. However, after Domains Priced Right did the update, my database was corrupted, my categories were totally gone! Beside that, I couldn’t login into my account because this data was also gone. Luckily, I had the help from Brian, who helped me to enter the backend c-panel and create a login folder for me. On hindsight, I have to say I am also lucky that the update didn’t wipe out my whole database/website!
This was the start of a painful, angry, disappointing and fustrating two and a half months of repairing the database, transfering the domain name from Domains Priced Right to Business Network Internet Hub (BNI Hub). I am most grateful to Brian for all the help that he had given me for my IT technical issues, he is running a few businesses and it was challenging to liaise with him to set aside his precious time to help me repair, migrate and resolve my IT/website/hosting issues.
From this big technical issue arising from my photography and travel blog/website, I learned some huge lessons. I have and I must backup my website/data regularly. I also learned the software and tools needed for data migration, this would come in very handy when I prepare to migrate my personal and technology website/blog to BNI Hub. Due to a clash of my c-panel database between Domains Priced Right and BNI Hub, my “new” website is (sub-domain) and my original domain name is being redirected to my “new” website.
With this post, I announced that my photography and travel blog/website is back, I also have a number of backlogged review articles, camera news, events coverage to catch up, on top of repairing 1342 articles links (categorising them and putting in my tags).
Some changes are coming soon, with a new revamp, I am looking for a new template that fits photography and travel blogging/website. I am also seeking my friend’s help to rewrite the About Me page.
This down time period for my photography and travel website/blog is embarassing and affected my reptuation, standing, branding, site traffic and search engine optimisation. The road to repairing all these things starts now.
I have to mention my gratitude and thanks to the brands and agencies that I worked with. During this period of down time, I wasn’t able to share my photography news, travel reportage, events coverage and camera review articles. They were very understanding of the technical issue situation that I went through.
Last but not least, thank you to all my friends and supporters for my photography and travel website/blog during this down time.
Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, I am ready to bring it on, to newer heights and beyond. Follow me as I bring you along my photography and story telling adventures.