Today is Saturday 25th December 2021, it’s Christmas Day! Wishing all a Merry Christmas 2021 and Happy Holidays! Year 2021 had been a very tough year for us, taking a huge toll on our mental and emotional health/well-being, some of us are also affected financially too. 

This is time for family gatherings especially for those whose home country is elsewhere, those that are able to make the trip back home and be reunited with family, relatives and friends after close to a 2 years hiatus whereby international travel was curtailed. This ongoing COVID19 pandemic has been very disruptive, not just in economic impacts, the social, emotional and mental impacts are just as huge and disruptive. 

Since I haven’t travel overseas for the past 2 years like most of us, I would have to use back my old travel photograph of this iconic Christmas Tree from Biei, Hokkaido. I hope to visit Japan again, back to Hokkaido again for spring, summer and late winter seasons, photographing and documenting my personal travel photography project on four seasons of Hokkaido. 

I would also like to take this time to thank various camera, travel companies, travel community partners, technology brands, organisations, pr agencies, fellow photographer friends and supporters for this great working relationships, friendships and support for my photography and travel portal/blog during this very difficult and turbulent year for all of us.

Thanks to Chef Keith for hosting a small of friends with his delicious BBQ roast at his house earlier in December, it was an awesome time gathering, feasting and chatting.

Last but not least, a very big thank you from the bottom of my heart to those few friends that helped me and pulled me out during a very dark period that I went through during May and June 2021. 

Photography by Ryan Cheng

Wishing all a Merry Christmas 2021 and Happy Holidays! Enjoy and have fun, feasting and spending time with your family and loved ones! 

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