With the Singapore Arts Festival going on currently, the Esplanade in conjunction with the Singapore Arts Festival, organised Flipside, many different events across the various Esplanade venues from 29th May 2008 to 22 June 2008.
On 7th June, I was waiting for the performances to start and sitting at the cosy sofas at the concourse area. Suddenly, I saw Japanese clowns with their painted faces and gear, moving out and starting their entertaining performance.
It was really hilarious and I had a fun time watching their performances as they walked from the concourse to the waterfront canopy. On their way there, they made fun of many people there, providing great entertainment for all.
At the waterfront canopy, the crowds started to gather and watched their performances, laughing at them making fun of themselves and people there. A good stress reliever and always love the to watch artists arriving from overseas performing in Singapore.
I’ll bet that was a wonderful event to attend.
Yup, it was a wonderful event !