World Environment Day falls on 5th June, a day to create global awareness, spread the word on the delicate balance balance between our natural environment and resources with the human race, bringing the people around the world together in an effort to protect Earth and restore it back from the damages that we inflicted. World Environment Day 2024 – #GenerationRestoration: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. For all of us here on Mother Earth, this is our land, our future, we are #GenerationRestoration.
My foundations of today came from my avid reading and following National Geographic Magazine, that heavily influenced my visual storytelling style. Along with my scouting roots and outdoors experiences also laid the foundations as an avid traveller and travel writer of today.
As I mature over the decades, I am more conscious of the delicate balance, a higher pressing need and urgency to address how we live and interact with our environment. We have to up the pace, be the change, be the Generation Restoration. Through my visual storytelling and travel stories with my Canon cameras, exploring and sharing stories, I hope that the small role that I played, and shared today, can help continue to spread the message for World Environment Day 2024.
Whether as a visual storyteller or as a avid traveller or travel writer, we the #RestorationGeneration can make a world of difference, a positive change for World Environment Day 2024 and beyond, not just for our current generation, for our future generations and beyond.
All of us can play a part, no matter how big or small, as part of #GenerationRestoration.