Putting 2 of my favourite things together, delicious food and whisky, giving me opportunities to explore food photography, whisky photography and a combination of both food and whisky together.
At a recent food and whisky gathering with fellow foodies, Chef Keith Crackling Roast and Chef Jude, it was pretty much long overdue since our last food and whisky gathering at Chef Keith Crackling Roast cosy residence. We had a wonderful food and whisky gathering at Chef Keith’s home, with some superb delicious and crackling roast pork, trademark of Keith Crackling Roast, along with char siew meat seasoned by Chef Jude and cooked at Chef Keith’s home kitchen.
I contributed my Japanese whisky collection to this gathering, the Chita, Iwai and Taketsuru, making their appearance with the delicious food during the gathering. While there were Chef Keith in action portraiture shoot, food photography and whisky photography shoot, I didn’t manage to complete my planned Chef Keith with his 2 x Japanese knives portraiture shoot, as well as my food and whisky pairing layout photoshoot.
All these were just the first round of food and whisky photography action, part of my food and whisky personal photography projects that I hope would expand and diversify in time to come, you can keep a lookout for them via my Instagram and Facebook Page!