Smile Arts Dental Studio Grand Opening Ceremony 1st July 2006
Edwin with our flower arrangement Smile Arts Dental Studio was opened by my very old friend Edwin (since our Boy Scout days with Gan Eng Seng Dragon Scouts) & his 2 other partners, Jeremy and Kenny. 1st July 2006, was the official Grand Opening Ceremony for Smile Arts Dental Studio.Continue Reading
Night Photoshoot @ Mt Faber and Kent Ridge Park
Today was a nightshoot with my friend Sam from QP Wedding Works (do check out his webpage too !) & Sam also brought another friend along. Coincidentally, all three of us are former Boy Scouts …. something in common after all. Picked the 2 guys up from the Redhill MRTContinue Reading
Inspirations, Thoughts, Still Searching ….
During this period of time, I was searching for many things in my life, looking for aspirations, thoughts and what I really wanted to achieve in my career and how I want to approach my photojournalism. It was a strong reflective time, something people can’t read and understand it fromContinue Reading
My first photoshoot assignment !
8th June 2006 On this day, I took my first step into the world of semi-professional photography. I was very honoured to be asked by my old friend, Edwin, to take protrait photos of the clinic’s patients (consisting of their family members, relatives, friends) that would be displayed in theirContinue Reading
Crossroads ?
I haven’t been updating and writing my travel blog as I promised myself and my readers when I first started venturing into the world of photojournalism. I apologise to my readers (if any) for not writing regularly. There were many new happenings, work & career related. Am I at crossroadsContinue Reading
Arrival @ Narita Airport – 23 May 2004
My backpacking trip to Tokyo, Japan, was a very fun and relaxing holiday for me. I flew there alone and stayed with my ex-colleague Evon @ her home in Araki, Chiba Prefecture. Took Singapore Airlines, Flight SQ 998 from Changi Airport, depart 2340 hrs (Singapore time), reached Narita Airport (situatedContinue Reading
Quick Updates & Moving Ahead
I had not been updating my work for the past 1 week. Things cropped up and I was tied down with it, facing issues, challenges, pressure etc etc Nevertheless, things are hopefully sorted out for now, won’t be totally settled down. Presently, looking foward to continue the work that IContinue Reading
Going to learn from my senior, Jeff of The Photographers Gallery
On 13 May 2006, I finally got the chance to visit The Photographers Gallery, opened by my secondary school Dragon Scout senior, Jeff. The link to the Gallery is on the sidebar. Please do go in and take a tour of the works displayed there. Met Jeff in the afternoonContinue Reading
A Lonely Plant on an Abandoned Track
Looking at the lonely plant in the middle of the abandoned railway track, isn’t it what we face in life sometimes? However, this plant displays courage and independence to grow and develop in this environment. Am I that plant that is both lonely, courageous and independent ? Or I StillContinue Reading
Sunrise – Dawn of a New Beginning
A beautiful sunrise sighted from the hills of Colmar Tropicale Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Malaysia Sunrise, dawn of a new day, a new beginning. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Let this moment of truth inspires and always be something new, unique and special for all, the vision of lightContinue Reading