It’s 25th December 2020! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy holidays! Year 2020 has been a very difficult year for many of us around the world with the global pandemic COVID-19 situation.
Let’s take this festive Christmas season to celebrate family kinship and friendships in this difficult year on both professional and personal basis. This is also a good time to be thankful and appreciate the things around me, from family to close friends and new friends.
On the photography side of things, the business side would still need more time in recovery, planning, adopting and adapting changes and new directions. On my personal photography, this year rekindled my personal photography projects again! I published my first TGH Photography Zine recently, more zine projects are in my plans for Year 2021!
I would also like to take this time to thank folks who have helped me in many different ways for my photography/filmmaking/content creation journey in the Year 2020. Once again, I would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy holidays!