It’s been more than a year, the world is still battling against a global pandemic since the first quarter of 2020. The world was thrown into a turmoil, our daily work and living changed dramatically, our world travel and tourism industries were severely hit. A new future of work is being discussed and proposed, what would a new future of travel and tourism look like? When can we Restart Tourism?

I came across World Tourism Organisation recent article dated 2nd June 2021, “Tourist Numbers Down 83% but Confidence Slowly Rising”. During this difficult period for everyone in the world, it’s comforting to read this news, not just for the travel and tourism industries, it’s also for everyone of us feeling the travel wanderlust. We are still some time away from the reopening of the world travel and tourism and we would get there in time to come.

Travel bubbles

A number of travel bubbles have been mentioned in the local/regional press, it’s a start to get international leisure travel and tourism back on their feet again. I am unable to keep track of the travel bubbles arrangements around different regions of the world, therefore, I always keep in touch with fellow travelers from different regions and I would check with them.

Meanwhile, I am keep a close watch on the travel bubbles in Southeast Asia and Greater Asia, keeping my fingers crossed on their developments and changes. 

When can we travel overseas again?

Q4 2021? 

My personal humble opinion is, Q4 2021 is possible, given the rate and percentage of  the Singapore population that have two doses of vaccination. I am also not keeping my expectations and hopes too high, keeping it really low or even zero. 

Even though we may be vaccinated and ready for travel, the countries that we want to visit may not be ready to receive overseas visitors. Nobody wants to visit another country for leisure holidays and they have to be quarantined before they can travel around the country. Vice versa, we don’t wish to be quarantined when we return back home to our home country. 


Year 2022?

Setting the target to year 2022 is a more prudent, safer and sensible option for the countries to reopen their travel and tourism industries to welcome international visitors. 

What’s next? Mass tourism? Scheduled tours? Independent travel?

I am more of an independent traveler or small group (3-4 pax) travel type of traveler, not a fan of scheduled tour groups. Based on the current travel and tourism situation, as well as the restrictions imposed, I don’t think we would get back to the mass tourism days that fast, we might not be able to do independent travel, small group DIY travel package may still be possible with a licensed travel agency or travel guide in the destination country. 

Until the world reaches a stage whereby COVID-19 is endemic and becomes part of our everyday life, like the common flu, scheduled tour groups might be the traveling restrictions to adhere to for a period of time as the world travel and tourism industries safely open up again. 


Which countries would I like to visit?

My travel bucket list is getting more lengthy, I have a huge travel wanderlust, I would really love to travel around the world again. Since I am unable to travel around the world, my priority shortlist would be: 


Kansai region – Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Wakayama and Mie

Chubu region – Shizuoka, Gifu, Nagano, 

Hokkaido – to continue my personal travel photography project on Hokkaido 

Malaysia – Visit relatives and friends in Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah in East Malaysia

Africa – for wildlife safari and trekking 

Australia – visiting friends in SA, QLD

Other countries in my shortlist includes, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Finland/Norway, Austria/Switzerland and many more. 

I can only do much travel even in a post COVID-19 era, nevertheless, I still hope to travel to as many different countries all over the world. 

Collaborations with travel agencies, tourism bureaus with digital/social media marketing, content creation, visual storytelling and travel photography

Since I got onboard the Travel Talk on Twitter (TTOT) chat community as a co-host with Melvin and Sonja, I expanded my travel networks with many people from different parts of the world. The TTOT chat community is great, allowing me to meet a few travel agencies as well tourism bureaus. 

I have recently embarked on upgrading new skills and knowledge, going for courses to get myself certified with digital marketing specialist diploma. I hope to apply my digital/social media marketing, content creation along with visual storytelling and travel photography, seeking collaborations/partnerships with travel agencies and tourism bureaus. 

Therefore, I am reaching out to travel agencies and tourism bureaus, if there is an opportunity to partner and collaborate together, let’s chat!


We can overcome this

This ongoing global pandemic COVID-19 has severely impacted the world travel and tourism industry, it’s still ongoing, exerting massive stress on the livelihoods of those in the travel, tourism, aviation and hospitality industries. Let’s hope we can start to revive the travel and tourism sectors around the world soon.

Many of us travel wanderlusts are eagerly awaiting for the opportunity to travel away for a holiday again. A massive test for the world, it’s not easy, we have the resilience and tenacity to overcome this global pandemic situation. 

When can we #RestartTourism? Keeping our fingers crossed that it’s getting closer soon! 

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