It’s the start of a brand new fresh year 2021, looking back at year 2020, it had been a mountainous roller coaster turbulent journey that we managed to survive but we are still reeling from the impacts and it’s going to continue for an extended period of time. A new year, a new hope, a new start, the time is now to set my theme and goals for Year 2021 (Photography and Travel).
Ever since I was inspired by Fernando Gros article on having a yearly theme (his yearly theme for 2021 is Imagination) instead of our usual goals settings and objectives, I wrote and published two articles, Theme and Goals for Year 2020 (Photography and Travel) and Theme and Goals for Year 2020 (Technology and Personal). I can’t imagine how much it would have changed just two months after that when the global pandemic COVID-19 started to hit the whole world.
If you are interested to learn and know more about setting a yearly theme, you have to check out “How to Choose a Yearly Theme” by Fernando Gros.
My approach to the yearly theme is slightly different, I have two themes for Year 2021 and they are Recovery and Rejuvenation. How would these two themes come into my photography and travel segments?
Photography Business
On my business side of photography, another challenging year looms ahead. Basically, adapt, adopt and change, rebranding and repositioning. Photography training is on the cards too.
Personal Photography
On my personal side of photography, I am planning to produce and publish more zines since the launch of my first zine – TGH Photography Zine Vol 1 – SG55 Special Edition, they could be special themes or projects based zines from my personal projects.
15th Anniversary photography blog milestone
April 2021 would be the 15th anniversary of this photography portal/blog! More information and details on this milestone celebration coming soon.
On both business and personal photography fronts, if there are suitable collaborations and partnerships to build up on top of my existing ones, I am open to discussions. At the current moment, I have build up networks of videographers, video editors, editors for my content writing, digital marketing and social media marketing partners.
International Travel
Based on the current global situation and pandemic status at this juncture in time, international leisure travel is not likely to open soon. An optimistic view would be international travel reopening in the third quarter of 2021, the harsh reality is most likely 2022 instead.
Meanwhile, I just prepare my travel research and travel networking on destinations that I highly want to visit when international travel and tourism recovers.
SingapoRediscovers a.k.a. Explore your own backyard
No doubt that Singapore is really a small country by land size, we do have our own nature areas, heritage, culture and outdoors areas. I have started revisiting places in Singapore that I haven’t visit for some time. Now is the time to be a traveler in my home country, to continue my SingapoRediscovers a.k.a. Explore your own backyard.
Stay tuned for more local travel photography stories (and pocket travel guide) of Singapore!
Why these two themes “Recovery” and “Rejuvenation”?
Year 2021 to me would be the year of recovery from the impacts and damages by the global pandemic COVID-19 to the world. This is not going to be straight forward or linear, it’s likely to be turbulent, roller coaster ups and downs. With the vaccines in place, the world has started its recovery mode, this is going to take time, it’s not going to recover immediately with the snap of a finger.
There are many a times whereby I had been emotionally and mentally drained last year 2020 during the global pandemic situation. Going hand-in-hand with recovery is rejuvenation, putting new energy to what I am doing in this year 2021.
As we start the slow journey in recovery in the year 2021, rejuvenation is also crucial, we need to inject new energy into our heart, mind and soul as we start our recovery journey.
Please also visit my Theme and Goals for Year 2021 (Technology and Personal) article!
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