World Tourism Day 2022 falls on 27th September, this year’s theme is “Rethinking Tourism”. The world and the countries travel and tourism industries are emerging from 2+ years of global pandemic, many more have opened up their borders and lift travel restrictions. While the world travel and tourism industries have been severely impacted by this global pandemic, it has also given the time to rethink tourism, and how they want to change for the future.
Looking back at World Tourism Day 2021 and World Tourism Day 2020, how would be we approach World Tourism Day 2022, rethinking tourism and its future, from both demand (consumers) and supply (providers) perspectives? How can the world rethink tourism, make the necessary changes and transform world travel and tourism for the future of Mother Earth and human race? What is the future of tourism and travel that we want, beyond just consumerism and capitalism?
Rethinking tourism, there are a number of areas/issues on hand that the world travel and tourism industries are looking into. Personally, the areas/issues that I am interested in are on sustainability, eco-friendly and community-based tourism. From a travel photographer/travel writer perspective, and as a co-host for TTOT (Travel Talk on Twitter) chat community, I believe that we consumers can play an integral part, we can be more responsible and prudent in how we consume resources. Everyone can and must play a part to make the changes and transform, from the consumers/customers to the tourism and travel providers.
Community-based tourism is an area that I would like to explore further, how we can help and benefit this sector that might not fully benefit from the growth and boom of tourism growth over the decades.
On 27th September 2022, World Tourism Day 2022, as the world is Rethinking Tourism, what is the future of travel and tourism, and what do we want for our future generations, in a post pandemic world?